Every being is on his own journey to attain spiritual liberation 'MOKSHA'. Some souls have just begun, others are in the middle of the journey and there are some who are towards the end. To some extent, the vibes that we receive from people around us depend on the level their souls have reached. During this journey, we find many souls;some we like and some we don't. But all of them touch our lives in some or the other way.
We always want to be surrounded by people we like or love. Though, it is not always possible. Because we don't choose people to stay or leave. The vibrations of our souls does that work for us.
We come across many people in our life, but there are only few with whom we feel connected. And we want them to stay with us forever. Over the time, attachment grows and we are unable to imagine our lives without them. We forget that every soul has his journey and some or the other day, it will move on, leaving us behind. If ever, humans could understand this, the earth would have been a 'Heaven'. But this doesn't happen as we are bound to love and get attached to people.
Some people move on after making new connections; some leave us to start a new journey; and some attachments get over after losing their meanings. Whatever be the reason, humans are never aware of what's going to happen the very next moment. And, therefore, we can never plan our 'GOODBYES'.
Imagine a situation, where we know that our close acquaintance is going to die the next day. Apart from just being emotional and feeling broken, we can express how much we love them and we care. There are words and feelings unspoken and unexpressed.....we wish we could tell.
In another situation, your love of life abandons you and you are unable to do anything to stop him/her. There were so many things that you wanted to say. You couldn't even tell how incomplete you are without him/her. So many things remain unexpressed and he/she leaves.
It is difficult to let go....but it is all the more difficult when you know someone is about to leave you. The last expressions and words and feelings that you always wanted to share could have stopped them from taking the next move. But, you only wish you could express your sentiments if you'd know this before.
This is only possible if we can keep the pain away which is not possible for us as humans. The pain after knowing that you are losing your loved one soon will never let you open up your heart to them. You will never be able to tell them how much you want them to stay.
The Last Expressions, therefore, are very different from what we wish to have. So, make your loved ones feel special and important 'Today'. Go and tell them how much you love them. Tell them you can't imagine your life without them and you want to spend every moment with them happily.
Don't lose any moment of happiness or being with them when they are around !!!
Sooo true!! Isn't it?