Friday, September 25, 2020

Love Is never ends !!!

If I knew, it's the last time, I can see you

I would have kept you in my eyes forever...

But it's too're out of sight.

If I knew, it's the last time I can hear "I Love You"

I would have told you " I LIVE YOU "

But it's too late to tell you that.

If I knew, it's the last time I can talk to you

I would have opened my heart out 

But it's too late, you're gone

If I knew, it's the last time I can feel you

I would have held you tight in my arms

But it's too late, you're not mine

If ever I could know that it was the last time...

I would have asked the time to stay

But it's too late... !!!

1 comment:

To all my close friends...

  Though we are not in touch, just wanna tell you that I still miss you all, The days spent with you, the mischiefs and the pranks. I wish w...